At CF Yogi, we all know that yoga is beneficial for us… that it helps us feel better physically and mentally. It gives us comfort, strength, relaxation, and yet sometimes we still have a hard time getting to the mat.
Life gets busy, and sometimes our yoga practice falls by the wayside to make room for other priorities of daily life. So we’ve put together a little incentive to help motivate you in your practice!
Ever since we unveiled our CF Yogi logo, people have been asking us “how can I get one of those logo shirts?!” So now the time has finally arrived, you can now get your very own CF Yogi shirt!
Here’s the catch… you can’t buy it. You’ve gotta earn it! 😉
In August, we’ve partnered with the Boomer Esiason Foundation to give you an extra little motivation to join us in class! When you attend EVERY WEEK of Colleen’s vinyasa yoga classes on Wednesday nights this month, you’ll earn your very own CF Yogi / Team Boomer tank top!

Just like us, the Boomer Esiason Foundation believes that physical activity is hugely beneficial for people with CF. Their Team Boomer program works to encourage people with cystic fibrosis to live active, healthy lifestyles. We are proud to be working together with them to help people with CF achieve their goals!
PLUS – everyone who completes the challenge will ALSO be entered into a drawing for a GRAND PRIZE Team Boomer Prize Pack!

The Boomer Esiason Foundation has generously offered FIVE grand prizes this month, so there’s more than one chance to win!
How it works:
STEP 1: Register for CF Yogi (if you’re not already registered). All registered CF Yogis are automatically entered in the challenge!
STEP 2: Follow the link in your email to sign up for Colleen’s class! Watch your email for the invitation to Colleen’s Wednesday night Vinyasa Yoga class at 5 PM Pacific / 6 PM Mountain / 7 PM Central / 8 PM Eastern.
STEP 3: Join us for class! Follow the confirmation email link from Zoom to make sure you’re joining us in your registered name, so we can keep track of your attendance. You must stay for the whole yoga practice (our Zoom attendance report will show us if you leave early). 😉
Once you complete the challenge by attending all four of Colleen’s classes in August, you’ll be notified via email and we’ll ask for your mailing address where you’d like to receive your reward.
In early September, five GRAND PRIZE winners will be randomly drawn from the pool of those who completed the challenge, and will receive the full TEAM BOOMER PRIZE PACK!
Get excited to get on the mat this month, and we’ll see you there on Wednesday night, August 7th for Colleen’s first class!

Want to learn more about Colleen? Read more here!